Case Study: Healthcare Insurance Enterprise
Fortune 500 managed healthcare insurance provider modernizes with digital mail services
About our customer

As a leading healthcare insurance payer, and a Ricoh customer since 2012, this organization is one of the largest government-sponsored healthcare providers for programs like Medicare and Medicaid and commercial healthcare programs that help members save money and improve medical outcomes.
Due to their large Medicaid footprint, this organization needs to manage members from a state requirements perspective offering fully integrated, high-quality, and cost-effective services, focused on 65+ members as well as offerings for Medicare members for underinsured and uninsured individuals. They offer affordable and reliable products to millions of individuals nationwide. As a result of its many members, the company receives an immense amount of mail and looked to expand its digital mailroom benefits.
“Ricoh understood our complex ecosystem of Federal and State regulations regarding processing both inbound and outbound electronic and physical mail. They looked at the big picture and pinpointed key improvements we could make to drive operational efficiency and speed, with a cybersecurity mindset.”
— Vice President, Operations

Receive millions of pieces of USPS and fax mail monthly
Government regulations around Medicare and Medicaid stipulate contractually required SLAs
Mail volumes fluctuate during open enrollment, creating staffing challenges
High volume of return mail due to bad addresses and inactive members
Lacked automated processes and reporting
As a large healthcare insurance payer, inbound and outbound communications — typically mail, both physical and electronic — are a critical part of the business. About 40% of mail is received as physical mail through United States Postal Service (USPS) post office (PO) boxes compared to 60% that is received electronically as live mail, most of which are faxes.
Undeliverable-as-addressed (UAA) mail can’t be delivered as addressed and must be either forwarded to the addressee or returned to the sender. With millions of members and frequent outgoing communications, the healthcare insurance enterprise has a staggering volume of returned mail.
The health insurance payer used two ways to update addresses: National Change of Address (NCOA) and Proprietary Change of Address (PCOA) services. NCOA checks for a new address, at a high level, based primarily on individuals who have registered a change of address with USPS while PCOA checks additional databases for better addresses, often associated with utility companies or other records. Updating addresses is not only contractually mandated but it’s more profitable for the company because sending less undelivered mail could save them millions of dollars annually.
The insurance payer also handled a high volume of “live mail,” which includes inbound mail from post office boxes, accountable mail, emails and faxes. The contractual SLAs for end-to-end processing are very aggressive and part of client contracts so they must adhere to them.
Additionally, integration with other applications, automated workflows, AI tools, and reporting was minimal, so the company looked to improve in these areas. They sought a better way to redact and split mail pieces from providers who submit documentation with multiple values listed and streamline electronic and USPS receipt methods.
Staffing challenges prevailed and finding workers for both regular shifts (many employees no longer wanted to work in an office) and temporary positions during the enrollment busy season was difficult. Having industry-wide peaks and valleys limited a steady workforce.
“With millions of pieces of regulated mail coming in and out annually, our automation initiative for both electronic and physical mail was a critical part of our business operations. We couldn’t have done it without Ricoh.”
— Vice President, Operations
Utilized Ricoh’s Business Information Service centers to offset staffing challenges
Ricoh now manages dozens of live mail PO boxes
Created metadata files that accompany image files formatted to easily ingest into the payer’s AI platform
Revised SLAs for high-volume, non-claims documents such as appeals and grievances
Automated full redaction process and created dozens of customized reports
Within a few days of signing an agreement, Ricoh began receiving forwarded mail from their old PO boxes to Ricoh’s Business Information Service (BIS) centers. Using Ricoh’s facilities and staff offloaded the burden of staffing in a fluctuating market. At the BIS centers, the Ricoh team created two workflows to accommodate their requirements and applied downstream business rules and data extraction for delivery into their platform for final workflow steps. They also automated the full redaction process, which is a known challenge to payers due to how providers present consolidated appeals for review. The digital mailroom benefits began revealing themselves.
The Ricoh team created JSON files, a language-independent data format for storing and transporting data securely, required for all mail pieces received, both physical and electronic. Creating the JSON files utilizes both APIs to connect with other applications as well as Ricoh’s AI-based technology. The Ricoh team also made additional JSON enhancements to increase the accuracy of ‘humans in the loop’ still required to complete some processes.
Customized reporting for UAA mail enabled the company to improve its internal databases and significantly reduce mailing costs to inactive member addresses. With integrated systems in place, data hygiene improved by reducing the amount of return mail along with fewer outbound remails with updated addresses.
Subsequently, for inbound live mail accounting for the majority (60%) of incoming mail, the Ricoh team focused on streamlining the processing of electronic documents quickly. The automated workflow for processing includes identifying and ensuring specific data fields are in place to route properly along with tracking and reporting. Ricoh created dozens of customized reports creating a centralized database to automate report creation and track volumes received and delivered for full reconciliation, SLA’s hit and missed, origination points, trends, and more.
Modernized, automated and accelerated mail delivery
Reduced UAA mail, cutting significant costs and time
New processes helped create better adherence to CMS oversite requirements
Provides transparency and tracking of mail throughout the entire process for all workflows
Improved member experience
“Ricoh understood our complex ecosystem of Federal and State regulations regarding processing both inbound and outbound electronic and physical mail. They looked at the big picture and pinpointed key improvements we could make to drive operational efficiency, compliance and speed, with a cybersecurity mindset,” said the Vice President, Operations.
By utilizing Ricoh’s BIS center for processing, the health insurance company didn’t have to worry about the staffing challenges that accompanied the business’s peaks and valleys and could focus on providing the best service to its members. Now, they deliver faster response times which greatly improves the member and provider experience. Backlogs are no longer an issue and SLAs are achieved on time.
“Ricoh understood the importance of the digital mailroom benefits we needed. Processing and implementing a mail solution that modernized our systems and reduced costly expenses for undelivered mail, researching updated addresses and remail helped our operations. Further, Ricoh created many automated, customized reports so we could track progress and deliver better customer experiences,” explained the Vice President, Operations.
Ricoh created standard operating procedures (SOP) and training guides with continual revisions to ensure visibility into best practices in a constantly changing business environment. Business continuity has been solidified, and the company continues to flourish and help its members.
Learn more about how Ricoh can help you achieve digital mailroom benefits with a variety of services to turn data into actionable information.