Woman teaching in lecture hall with laptop in front of her

Driving student satisfaction starts with modernized classrooms


Classroom technology improves classroom experience and engages students. We share how classroom technology improves the classroom experience to keep students engaged, and enrolled.

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Today, student retention and satisfaction is as important as ever. Even the highest ranked colleges and universities are always striving to ensure they retain as many students as possible. While it’s obvious why this issue is so crucial, many universities struggle to identify adjustments they can make to positively affect retention.

Perhaps the best place to start, according to a Noel-Levitz study, is improving student satisfaction, through creating an inviting climate on campus, an engaging classroom experience, providing knowledgeable faculty and advisers, and more.[1] This research demonstrated that these elements of student satisfaction can be responsible for almost 20 percent of how much retention varies.

Another recent study, which sought to break down the elements of the classroom experience that impact student satisfaction, revealed that “technological attributes received high satisfaction votes from students” across different types of classes.[2] As such, the benefits creating an engaging classroom experience to improve student satisfaction and retention can be a short, direct path to ROI.

So how exactly can classroom technology improve classroom experience to keep students engaged, and enrolled?

Flipped classrooms

Taking the student-faculty dynamic even further down the collaboration spectrum, subverting the traditional, instructor-led class structure and empowering students to take charge of the learning process has become a burgeoning trend. Replacing lectures with group discussions, problem-solving and brainstorming can boost student engagement and provide personalized student guidance. Real-time voting on questions using clickers to gamify learning, and student-led sessions that enable them to simultaneously map out and collaborate on ideas and projects, are just a couple further applications of classroom technologies that can help keep students satisfied with evolving learning styles.

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  1. 1. Schreiner, Laurie A., Ph.D. "Linking Student Satisfaction and Retention." Noel-Levitz. 2009
  2. 2. ResearchGate. Building and Environment. 2013